Recurring House Cleaning Services

Give Your Home a Deep Clean!

I’m Christina Roose, Poseidon’s Mermaids’ proud owner, based in Toledo, Ohio. We’re your go-to experts for deep cleaning services that go beyond just the basics. Our team is dedicated to digging deep, tackling the hidden grime and those stubborn issues that regular cleaning often overlooks.

We serve Toledo and the wonderful surrounding communities of Perrysburg, Maumee, Sylvania, and more!

Our goal is to transform every space in your home into a spotlessly clean and rejuvenating environment, giving every room that fresh, renewed feel you love.

What We Clean

Our thorough process involves detailed vacuuming in your living spaces, using HEPA filter-equipped vacuums to capture the finest particles, including pet dander and dust mites.

Furniture receives careful attention with hypoallergenic polishing agents to protect and enhance the natural beauty of the wood, while fabric upholstery is deep-cleaned to remove allergens and stains. High-touch surfaces such as door handles, light switches, and railings are sanitized with hospital-grade disinfectants to ensure a germ-free environment.

Advanced Kitchen Sanitation

The kitchen, often the heart of the home, demands exceptional attention. We deploy a comprehensive cleaning regime that includes degreasing the stovetop and rangehood, using non-toxic yet powerful solutions that dissolve grease without damaging surfaces. We also clean the interiors and exteriors of appliances like refrigerators, microwaves, and dishwashers with specialized detergents that not only clean but also sanitize.

Cabinetry is cleaned inside and out, particularly handles and high-contact areas, to eradicate all food residues and bacteria.

Countertops and backsplashes are treated with stone-safe cleaners that preserve the integrity of the material while providing a thorough cleaning.

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Detailed Bathroom Refresh

Our detailed bathroom refresh is meticulously designed to transform your bathroom into a spotless sanctuary. Specific finishing touches include:

  • Disinfection and Limescale Removal: We use specialized acidic cleaners to safely eliminate limescale and soap scum, restoring shine to tiles and fixtures without damaging surfaces.
  • Toilets, Sinks, and Tubs: Each is scrubbed and polished to remove water stains and mineral deposits, achieving a hygienic and gleaming finish.
  • Mirrors and Glass Cleaning: We apply streak-free solutions to ensure a crystal-clear appearance of mirrors and glass surfaces.
  • Vents and Exhaust Fans: To improve air quality and prevent mold, we thoroughly vacuum and wipe down vents and exhaust fans, removing accumulated dust.

Bedroom and Common Area Revitalization

In bedrooms and common areas, we ensure a dust-free environment by cleaning under beds and furniture, using extensions on our vacuum cleaners to reach deep under heavy objects. Closets are organized and cleaned, with all shelving dusted and floors treated.

Window treatments such as blinds and drapes are vacuumed with attachments designed to handle delicate materials, effectively removing dust and allergens. Baseboards and ceiling corners are also dusted and wiped clean to eliminate any cobwebs and accumulated dust.

Expertise and Quality Assurance

Poseidon’s Mermaids employs skilled cleaning professionals who are trained in advanced cleaning techniques and equipped with the best tools in the industry. Our commitment to using eco-friendly and health-conscious cleaning products ensures that your home is clean and safe for children and pets.

Our inclusive deep cleaning service focuses on aesthetics and health, providing peace of mind and a clean living space.

Call now to get a free quote for your home! 419.913.9000

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